Centre Commercial

Pour les amateurs de belles sapes, près du Canal Saint Martin

This concept store is in a very artistic quarter near the canal. It separates itself with a bright white exterior and wide display windows. The shop smells amazing being neighbor to award winning boulangerie, Du Pain et Des Idées. Playlist has relaxed R&B music to groove to while scanning through endless racks of classic suit sets and coats for men and women. However the store seems to be directed more towards men seeing that 3/4 of the store is dedicated to “Homme”.


The books that accompany the accessories lain on tables have subjects such as Scandinavian architecture and city guides to New York City. In the back corner is the shoe section that currently holds the trendiest Vejas. The prices are affordable which is nice for those who are ballin’ on a budget. This is a great place to pick up some cozy pieces with your beau, grab a tarte aux pommes and sit by the canal.

Metro: Jaques Bonsergent

Near by : Chez Prune, Quai de Valmy



Lundi de 13h à 19h30 Du Mardi au Samedi de 11h à 20h Dimanche de 14h à 19h